Work Manager
The Work Manager is a powerful tool for managing and viewing workload. Work orders, assignments, and actual time worked can be viewed from a calendar, list or Gantt chart perspective, and options are available for filtering the data displayed. In addition, scheduled time off can be viewed on the calendar by individual or by labor filtering, for example, all time off scheduled for a given shop or shift. Using the Work Manager, resource planning can be performed from a broad perspective (by shop, location, repair center), identifying problems areas and making quick adjustments to assignment details or dates.
When you first open the Work Manager, it displays work orders for the current month. When the Work Manager is open, the List pane contains the asset hierarchy allowing you to filter the Work Manager contents by selecting a location. The page contains the following elements:
Fields: At the top of the page are fields that allow you to control what is displayed in the Work Manager. For most views, the following fields are displayed at the top:
View: Select a value to determine what type of data you want to view.
Format: Select a value to determine the format the data is displayed as a Calandar, a Gantt chart, or a List.
Display Tabs As: Select a value to determine the type of classification presented in the tabs at the top of the data.
Additional fields may appear as you make selections that allow you to further refine the data displayed. Many views also include a field with a
button that allows you to define search criteria to filter the results by the selected tab value. For example, if your tabs display shops, you can elect to only include shops that have the word "North" in their names.
Tabs: Below these fields are tabs that further organize the data, for example, by shop, by category or by employee. As you select a different tab, the data displayed updates. If there are more tabs than can be displayed at once, a scroll bar appears below them allowing access to additional tabs.
Header Bar: Below the tabs is a header bar that provides information about the data you are viewing. On the right side, a Refresh button is displayed at the top to refresh the data in case it has been updated by someone else while you are working. In addition, the
button can be clicked to expand the view to full screen (click it again or press the ESC key to return).
Data: Finally, below the tabs is the actual data displayed using the view and the format you selected.
Work Orders: This view lists all work orders for the selected month, organized by target date. By default, work orders are displayed in calendar view for the current month with the display tabs set to shops.
Labor Assignments: This view lists all work orders with labor assignments organized by assignment date. By default, they are displayed in calendar view with the display tabs set to employees.
Labor Time Reporting: This view lists all actual labor cost records organized by recorded work date. By default, labor cost records are displayed in calendar view with the display tabs set to employees.
Labor Time Off: This view lists all time off recorded, indicating the employee name, reason and hours. By default, labor time off records are displayed in calendar view with the display tabs set to employees.
My Assignments: This view list all of your labor assignments organized by assignment date. By default, your assignments are displayed in calendar view and the only available display tab is set to your name.
My Time Reporting: This view lists all your labor cost records organized by recorded work date. By default, your assignments are displayed in calendar view and the only available display tab is set to your name.
The formats field controls how the data is displayed. The data is the same, regardless of the display chosen.
The Calendar format displays work orders on a monthly with one row for each week. The calendar format is available for all views.
By default, the current month appears, displaying the first week of that month. You can scroll down to see additional weeks and use the arrow buttons near to view past or future months. By default, the current date is highlighted to allow it to be quickly located.
On the days of the month, a tile is displayed for each items that falls on that day.
Work Orders: Each tile represents a work order and is placed based on work order target date. The total target hours for all work orders is displayed in the top left corner of each date.
Labor Assignments and My Assignments: Each tile represents a work order assignment and is placed based on work order assignment date. The total assignment hours for all work orders is displayed in the top left corner of each date.
Labor Time Reporting and My Time Reporting: Each tile represents a labor cost record and is placed based on when the labor cost was recorded. The total labor cost hours for all work orders is displayed in the top left corner of each date.
Labor Time Off : Each line item represents a time off entry and is placed based on time off recorded.
All calendar tiles are color coded to indicate either their status or priority.
Status Colors
Priority Colors
Red: High/Urgent
Yellow: Normal
Green: Low
White: Completed
Clear: Closed
You can operate on items in Calendar view to:
Move an item: To move a work order, click the tile and drag it to another date.
For Work Orders, moving a tile modifies the target date.
For Labor Assignments and My Assignments, moving a tile changes the assignment date.
For Labor Time Reporting and My Time Reporting, moving a tile changes the date of the labor cost.
Move multiple items:
Select the Mult-Select check box in the toolbar.
Click all the tiles you want to move.
Drag the tiles to the new date.
View more information about the work order: Click the tile order to open a window displaying more information about the work order such as asset, procedure or target hours.
Operate on the work order: If you right-click on a tile, a menu opens allowing you to perform operations on the work order such as changing the assignment, opening the work order, or completing it.
Create a new work order: In Work Order view only, you can double-click in the empty area on a date to create a new work order. A new window opens allowing you to enter the work order details.
Create a new work order assignment: In Work Order view only, you can double-click a work order to create a new assignment. A new window opens allowing you to enter the assignment details.
Share a calendar: You can share a calendar and synchronize it to an external calendar application. For more information, see Calendar Sharing.
The Gantt format provides a valuable way to examine an extended view of work orders/assignment as a bar chart, highlighting any dependency relationships. The Gantt format is only available for the Work Orders, Labor Assignments, and My Assignments views.
In Gantt format, the current month is displayed at the top. You can use the arrow buttons to view past or future months. The calendar days are displayed horizontally across the top and items are listed chronologically. On the left side of the chart, there are two columns. You can drag the column borders to change their size.
WO#: Indicates the work order record number.
Progress: Indicates the progress, if any, made on the work order, either by percentage (if in progress) or name (such as Complete).
Each item on the chart is placed by date (either the target date for work orders or the assignment date for work order assignments).
Progress bar: The progress bar is color-coded to indicate the progress made. Orange bars (light for unassigned; dark for assigned) indicate no progress has been made. Red bars indicate that no progress has been made and the work order is overdue. As progress is made, the bar becomes increasingly green until completed work orders are completely green. When you are in Work Order view, the length of the progress bar indicates the duration of the work, indicating the number of number of days it takes to complete the work.
Icon: The icon indicates the type of work order.
Description: The description indicates both the work order number and a description of the work.
You can operate on items in a Gantt chart to:
Move an item: To move a work order, click the item and drag it to another position in the chart, earlier or later. In the Work Order view, moving an item modifies its target date. In the Labor Assignments and My Assignments views, moving an item changes its assignment date.
Record progress: To record progress on a work order, click on the left edge of the progress bar and drag it to the right to make it increasingly green. As you do so, the percentage number updates in the Progress column as well. You cannot change the progress on Completed work orders.
View more information about the work order: Click the work order to open a window displaying more information about the work order such as asset, procedure or target hours.
Operate on the work order: If you right-click on a work order, a menu opens allowing you to perform operations such as changing the assignment, opening the work order, or completing it.
Change work order duration: In Work Order view only, you can drag the right edge of the bar to extend the duration thereby changing the target date. Changing the target date does not modify the target hours for the work.
Smart Shift work orders: In Work Order view only, you can select the Smart Shift check box at the top of the page to shift the dates of multiple work orders by a given number of days in one step. If you select this option, moving one work order causes all subsequent work orders on the selected tab to move in or out the same number of days. Since smart shift does not take weekends into account, you may need to make further adjustments after smart shifting.
The List format displays a simple list containing one row for each work order in a given month.
Work Orders: Each row represents a work order listed in order of target date.
Labor Assignments and My Assignments: Each row represents a work order assignment listed in order of assignment date.
Labor Time Reporting and My Time Reporting: Each row represents a labor cost record and is listed in order of the date when the labor cost was recorded.
Labor Time Off: Each row represents a time off entry listed in order of the date on which the time off was recorded.
The columns of information displayed change depending on the view:
Work Orders: Priority, Status Icon, Approval State, Work Order ID, Reason, Asset/Location, Target.
Labor Assignments, My Assignments, Labor Time Reporting, and My Time Reporting: Priority, Status Icon, Approval State, Work Order ID, Reason, Asset/Location, Assigned, Date (of assignment), Time, Hours.
Labor Time Off: Labor Name, Date, Hours.
You can operate on the items in the list to:
View more information about the work order: Click the work order to open a window displaying more information about the work order such as asset, procedure or target hours.
Operate on the work order: If you right-click on a work order, a menu opens allowing you to perform operations such as changing the assignment, opening the work order, or completing it.